***How to learn one of the top skills “digital marketing” for ***freelancing job***? Don’t worry! I am sure I will make you expert in this advanced skill. I will start this course step by step and you should follow me. ***
The world is fastly going toward progress. People are planning for upcoming generations because that will be too computational and more challenges for those who did not know about science and technology and those who had no top skill.
Technology has brought revolution day by day will bring more day by day new inventions are establishing every day for problem-solving. Many people had created their business on the internet or doing freelancing job and earning millions of money but we are not informed about freelancing, wait don’t jump toward freelancing job before doing freelancing you must build your strong skill e.g. digital marketing, it is one of the top 10 skill in freelancing job and me sure I will my best to make you full expert in this skill. Here you completely learn about one of the top skill digital marketing. Before starting my course I will show you the world economy then I will go toward digital marketing.
World economy
Before doing something it’s very necessary to look at the world economy because money is the basic need of people. Now a day’s money is too necessary to survive in this modern world. Infect every one wants to survive a stander life. If someone creates a problem-solving product then I am sure they will spend a stander life otherwise it’s too difficult. We are totally unknown about the world economy so come and have a look at the world economy
· There is a big economy difference all over the world. According to people mentality.
· Let’s suppose there are 10,000 rupees in the world which are distributed among 1000 person.
· Majority of population approximately (90%) earn 1000 rupees
While a minority of the population (10%) earn 9000 rupees.
Through the diagram, it’s easy to understand.
World population
1000 person
World economy
90% person 10% person
Earn (1000) earn (9000)
v Economy difference occurs on the basis of a personal mentality
1. Traditional job
ü Low mentality
ü Job oriented
ü Narrow-minded
ü Bed perception of money
ü Fears negatively
ü Hard work
2. Modern job
ü High mentality
ü Business ideas
ü Creative mind
ü Risk taker
ü Self-confidence
ü Good understanding of the economy
ü Smart work
We are totally unknown about world economy it’s because we are too far from internet and we know internet up to some social media e.g. Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, messenger or more than Twitter but it’s not enough, the internet has become a global street where you learn everything perfect.
What is a traditional job?
A traditional job is time bounded jobs like government job and a private job where you work for a specific time and having a low salary. In a traditional job you work under someone, they will command on you what to do. A traditional job is not relaxation you feel bore always and you need to be working hard and the same practice will be daily, there will no revolution will occur in your knowledge.
What is a modern job?
Modern job means working online by using the internet there are millions of jobs are available on the internet. A modern job is like freedom and enjoyment, which is not time bounded but whenever, wherever you want you will do. This job is like relaxation because you will be the boss, no one will command on you and when you feel bore you can leave doing work. And finally, your income will be twice of traditional job or in millions.
Types of research are available on the internet related to every topic. There are many opportunities for earning on the internet. I think majority of you will count yourself in traditional job, there is much time, change the bad habits of traditional job like low mentality, job oriented, bad conception of money, narrow minded, fears negatively and hard work these bed habits are destroying our feature so don’t follow this bad habits but you should follow the good habits like to become high mentality should business ideas and should creative mind, risk taker, self confidence, good understanding of world economy and should work smart.
What is the importance’s of the world economy??
It is too important to know about the world economy. Because everyone is doing work for money, money is the basic need of us. Those who know the world economy well they are planning for their feature according to the world economy. Minority of the people knew the world economy and they are spending their quality life. But the majority of us are struggling for a traditional job like as government job and private job these all were happen because of the unknown of the world economy. Ones look on the people who are doing a modern job they were counted to be an entrepreneur. The unemployment will overcome when people know the world economy properly and if they do a modern job then I am hundred person sure that this problem will overcome.
What will be the structure of the world economy in the upcoming years?
The world economy will gradually change when all the people on the world completely know about the economy and their reason then the majority of the people come toward the modern job and the minority will do a traditional job. According to the time people are coming toward technology and they will do a modern job like freelancing.
Before coming toward the modern job you should build your skill and to be expert in your skill. The top skills of freelancing are digital marketing, web designing, software developer, apps developer, content writer accounting and many more.
Unemployment is the main problem in the society peoples prefer to the achievement of a degree. So don’t study for the achievement of degree but learn the quality education and do something yourself and make problem solving products and give solution for problem solving.
So leave the traditional job from your mind and build your skills to become a good freelancer.
